We’re so glad that you’re considering visiting Lansdowne United Methodist Church (UMC). We know that visiting a church for the first time can be daunting, but it really doesn’t need to be. Please look over the information below to get an idea of what a morning looks like at Lansdowne UMC!
Sunday Attire
Dress as you feel comfortable. On Sundays in the summer, you are just as likely to sit near someone in shorts as near someone with a dress or tie.
Arriving and Entering the Building for Worship
Our church is situated within a mostly residential community. Although we have very limited space in our parking lot, there is street parking available on Baltimore Ave and Lavern Ave. Enter through one of the double-door entrances on Lavern Ave. and you’ll be outside the back of the sanctuary. Worship begins at 10am on Sunday in our sanctuary. You are welcome to arrive early. You will probably not be alone if you are a little late!
In the sanctuary
As you enter the sanctuary, you will be given a paper bulletin/program to aid your participation in worship. Here is a typical bulletin. Our worship is “liturgical,” which simply means that it involves the active participation of the people in worship, usually through unison spoken responses are guided by the bulletin or, in the case of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month, the hymnal. We strive to incorporate a variety of musical styles in worship, as well.
Our worship service is about an hour in length. If you like, you can you check out our sermon archive to get a feel for our worship services.
An accessible entrance is located on Lavern Avenue. Inside the sanctuary, we have two cut-outs in the back pews to assist with the placement of wheelchairs.
We have a limited number of devices available to aid persons who have impaired hearing. Please ask a greeter or usher if you would like to use one of these. At this point in time, our service is in English only, and we do not regularly have a sign language interpreter. Should you require translation services, please contact our church office.
Additional Information
Please contact us by email or phone (410-247-4624) if we can help you prepare for your visit!