Past Events (Page 32)

Past Events (Page 32)

Annual Church Conference

This year, our church conference will be held on Saturday, November 7 at 9 am through Zoom. Our time together will begin with worship with Halethorpe-Relay and New Covenant UMCs, and then we will break into separate rooms for the business of the conference. All LUMC members are welcome and encouraged to attend, and you can join via computer or phone.   Given the online…

October Re-Entering Well Meeting

Grace and peace, beloved of Christ! Our next Re-Entering Well meeting will be Tuesday, October 6 at 7 pm on Zoom. All are welcome to join! I will open the feed at 6:45 pm to allow everyone to gather and say hello if you’d like. [Please contact Pastor Emily for information on how to participate. ] Hope to see you there! In Christ,Pastor Emily

Re-Entering Well Meeting

Our next Re-Entering Well meeting will be Tuesday, July 7 at 7 pm on Zoom. We will continue discussing the best practices learned from our conference and other churches in our state and we can discuss our plans as a church family. All are welcome to join! I will open the feed at 6:45 pm to allow everyone to gather and say hello if you’d like. Our decision on when and how…