Past Events (Page 53)

Past Events (Page 53)

Bible Study: Gospel of Matthew

Join us once or every Tuesday as Pastor David leads an exploration of the first book in the New Testament. Although a Bible is the only “required book” for this study, Pastor David recommends N. T. Wright’s “Matthew for Everyone” commentary as helpful supplementary reading. This study is structured following Wright’s plan for daily…

Homecoming Sunday

This is a time to welcome back old friends, meet ome new ones, and join our church family in worship. A time of food and fellowship will follow the worship service.

Fall Church Cleanup

Although we’re always at working doing maintenance and upkeep on our church building, every once in a while, we like to take some extra time to “bless” our facilities. Any time at all you can give goes a long way to ensuring that our building continues to be a safe and clean place where others can come to be blessed.

Rummage Sale

Come search for “treasures” at this fundraising event, which will take place from 5:00pm – 8:00pm on Friday, October 7, and from 7:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday, October 8. Please contact Betty Cain if you have donations.