Sunday Worship – June 26, 2022
Scriptures: Galatians 5:1, 13-25 , Psalm 77, Luke 9:51-62
Worship Service: The service is available through Facebook at:
Bulletin: The bulletin is available here and here.
Upcoming Events:
- July 3rd – July 4th Patriotic Hymn Sing
- July 10th – Jack Danz of Grace UMC, Certified Lay Speaker
- July 17th – Rev. Christine Kumar
- July 24th – Rev. Sandra Demby
- July 31st – Rev. Sandra Demby
Tithes and offerings may be mailed to the church at: 114 Lavern Ave, Lansdowne, MD 21227. Thank you for your continued support to LUMC and its wider connection. We are so grateful for the gifts received and ask that you keep our church’s needs and mission close to your heart.