Sermons on 1 Samuel

Sermons on 1 Samuel

Sunday Worship – June 9, 2024

Sunday Worship – June 9, 2024 Worship Service: The service is available through Facebook at: Tithes and offerings may be mailed to the church at: 114 Lavern Ave, Lansdowne, MD 21227. Thank you for your continued support to LUMC and its wider connection. We are so…

Sunday Worship – March 19, 2023

Sunday Worship – March 19, 2023 Scriptures: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Psalm 23, Ephesians 4:8-14 Worship Service: The service is available through Facebook at: Upcoming Events: Mar 19th Finance Meeting: 11 am Apr 2nd – “EGGS”-travaganza!: 11 am Apr 7th…

Worship Service – June 13, 2021

Weekly Worship – Sunday, June 13, 2021 Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:34-35, 16:1-13, 2 Corinthians 5:6-17, Mark 4:26-34 Sermon: “From our Heads to our Heart” The sermon is graciously provided by Steven Waldman, The message is available through Facebook at the following link: Our in-person worship begins at…