Sermons on Healing
Life in the Spirit
A Sermon for July 16, 2017 on Romans 8:1-11 How do you form a child who will live a good, moral life? I imagine that the vast majority of parents at some point ask themselves this question. What can you do? Well, there is obviously a place for rules. Black and white look a lot more gray up close than they do from a safe distance. In the heat of the moment, rules can be an…
The Good News of Mowing the Weeds?
A Sermon for March 12, 2017 on John 3:1-17 and Romans 4 Several summers ago, I remember that Katie and I were going through a particularly busy season of life. With Katie working nearly 80 hours a week in residency and me pursuing my Master’s in Computer Science, sometimes it felt like it was all we could do to get some food cooked, the dishes and the laundry done, and…
Five Wounds
A sermon on Jeremiah 8:18-9:1. Do you mourn the state of your community and our world? Do you ever look around and say, “it shouldn’t have to be like that”? Sometimes there is something to be done, but every once in awhile, we just need to mourn.