Worship Service Archive (Page 29)

Worship Service Archive (Page 29)

Watching and Waiting

A Sermon on Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4 and Luke 19:1-10 I love the story of Zacchaeus. It says he was a ruler, a rich tax collector. The world labels him a sinner. Zacchaeus seeks out Jesus– just to catch a glimpse of him. Although the crowds prevent him from seeing Jesus, Zacchaeus perseveres, degrading himself by climbing a sycamore tree. And even as Zacchaeus is…

Heart Matters

A Sermon on Luke 18:9-14 Note: The audio for this sermon was unfortunately lost (along with the device it was recorded on). We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience! We expect audio to be available again for the Sunday, October 30 sermon. What a wonderful parable Jesus tells about the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. It’s meaning is so clear. It doesn’t take a bible…

Five Wounds

A sermon on Jeremiah 8:18-9:1. Do you mourn the state of your community and our world? Do you ever look around and say, “it shouldn’t have to be like that”? Sometimes there is something to be done, but every once in awhile, we just need to mourn.

Lost Lives

A sermon on Luke 15:1-10. Our reading has us think about lost sheep and lost coins. But today leads us to consider lost sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers– specifically those that were lost 15 years ago today at the twin towers, the Pentagon, and a field just north of Shanksville, PA.