You are what you ________?
A sermon on Jeremiah 2:4-13. What do you love? What do you trust in? What is the truest desire of your heart? What do you worship? Who– or what!– are you becoming like?
A sermon on Luke 13:10-17 (and Jeremiah 1:4-10). What do we have to offer those who are doubled over? Not just a word of hope, but enacted hope.
Let’s Get Ready!
A Sermon inspired by Isaiah 1:1, 10-20 and Luke 12:32-40. When we commit ourselves 1) not to do things that lead us away from God, 2) to doing all the good we can, and 3) to practicing the spiritual disciplines, we open ourselves up to be transformed. And while we are awaiting the transformation that comes from God, we become powerful witnesses to the world. We grow more…
The Kingdom of God is NEAR: Disciples are Rich (toward God!)
A Sermon on Luke 12:13-21. There can be no doubt that greed is a very common thing to fall into. Keeping ourselves from it will require a change of heart. Jesus invites us to change our hearts and our lives. Or in the words of Paul in his letter to the Colossians: “Set your minds on things that…
The Kingdom of God is NEAR: So Disciples are Accepted
A sermon on Luke 11:1-13. We approach God persistently, hoping that we will find a loving Father, if for no other reason than because Jesus tells us to. And when we do God gives us nothing less than the gift of the Holy Spirit that lets us join the prayer of the early church, “Abba, Father!”
The Kingdom of God is NEAR: So Disciples are Engaged
A sermon on Luke 10:38-42. Martha was overwhelmed. But Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. Can you relate to Martha? Have you ever been overwhelmed? Maybe a better way to ask it is this: From how many directions are you being overwhelmed right now?
The Kingdom of God is NEAR: So Disciples are Neighbors
A sermon on Luke 10:25-37. Until we can look into the eyes of those who are different from us– yes even those we consider enemies– and see the eyes of our savior, we are missing the point of the parable of the Good Samaritan.
The Kingdom of God is NEAR
A sermon on Luke 10:1-11, 16-20. Jesus said that proclaiming the good news of God’s kingdom was the reason for which he was sent (Luke 4:43). And if it’s at the core of Jesus’ mission, and it’s at the core of the mission that he gives to the 12 and then to the 70, I think you’ll agree that it’s worth spending some time on.